Friday, 21 November 2014

How to Change Kali Linux Login Screen Theme

hello,,, it's been a long time I have not write on this blog, as I have many things to do at my college, haha. Now I will write about my last trial, that is how to Change the Kali Linux Login Screen like this.

first, move your image to /etc/gdm3 directory like this
 then, chmod 777 your image, so it can be read by every user. this command is in my case, you just adjust it with your image
chmod 777 /etc/gdm3/sniper_gunslinger.png
and edit the greeter.gsettings with your favorite text editor,
gedit /etc/gdm3/greeter.gsettings
after your text editor opened greeter.gsettings, then uncomment this scripts below and change the blue text with your image directory. do you know how to uncomment these scripts? it's simple, you just need to delete those 'sha' (#) in front of script

save that and reboot your machine. and voila, your Kali Linux login screen theme is changed as you want
this link is for you if you want my complete greeter.gsettings

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

How To Make Your Linux Ubuntu is Always on Root Mode (Cara Membuat Linux Ubuntumu Selalu pada mode Root)

haah, it's been long time i don't write in this blog because of my real world including my life in college, that is full of tasks >.< :D
but today i want to write down How To Make Your Ubuntu is Always on Root Mode
some of my friends say this tutorial is the worst idea, please beware :D

OK, let's we go to the tutorial

first, you must unlock your root account, because ubuntu have lock the root account defaultly
and then, type this in your ubuntu's teminal
sudo passwd root
in the first prompt, you must input your used account password, and then is your root password

after that, try to type
su -
and input your root password

taraa, you've been in root mode
do you want always in this root mode from start? so read this tutorial again

next, if you want to login in this root mode, you've to edit lightdm configuration
now move to lightdm directory by type this to terminal
cd /etc/lightdm
and open the file named "lightdm.conf" with your favorite text editor and add this to a new line

and save it, then try to reboot/logout

when the login screen is appear,
choose login and type your username as root and your password as your root password which have you inputted before

uhuy, after this you'll can login as root and always in root mode

but, you must carefully because you are in root mode, you can do anything without system restriction

hmmm, you want to lock the "Root Mode" again, you can type
sudo passwd -l root

and the last, thank you to read this tutorial, see you again in next tutorial ^_^
the risks that occur after reading this tutorial isn't the responsibility of the authors, so beware ^_^